Insomnia: causes, symptoms, prevention and treatment

What is insomnia and how to prevent it-

  • Insomnia is a type of sleep disorder in which either one does not sleep or does not complete sleep even after sleeping or both.
  • People who have insomnia do not feel refreshed after waking up from sleep and remain sluggish and tired all day long.
  • This is a common problem that everyone faces at some point in their life.
  • But in today's busy life there will be hardly any person who is not troubled by this problem.
  • Despite having enough time to sleep in this sleep sickness, some people do not sleep, while some people sleep but wake up from sleep again and again.
  • Insomnia can appear in many ways such as - long-term sleepiness, frequent sleepiness after sleep, or no sleep at all.

insomnia cure, how to get rid of sleeplessness

Types of insomnia-

Insomnia is of two types -

  1. Acute insomnia or primary insomnia
  2. Chronic insomnia or secondary insomnia

Acute insomnia-

What is Primary Insomnia?
  • An insomnia that lasts for a few days or a few weeks is called acute insomnia.
  • This can often be due to stress, work pressure, family problems, losing one's family, missing something they love.
  • It is also called primary insomnia, as it is not caused by any other health related disease.

2.Chronic Insomnia-

What causes chronic insomnia?
  • Insomnia that persists for a few weeks to a long time is called chronic insomnia.
  • This long-term insomnia can also be caused by work pressure, family problems, losing a loved one, missing a loved one, but the main reason for this is often related to other health problems or medications that is why it is  also called  secondary insomnia.
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Insomnia signs and symptoms-

What is insomnia disease?
Insomnia is also seen as a symptom in addition to sleeplessness, which indicates that you are mentally disturbed or unwell or have some other health related problem.

Insomnia prevention, sleeplessness, sleep disorder
Insomnia cure
The symptoms of insomnia are as follows - 10 Signs of Insomnia
  1. Trouble sleeping at night
  2. Sleep apnoea
  3. Get up very early
  4. Irritability or increased anxiety
  5. Concentration and memory problems
  6. Mistakes and accidents increases
  7. Worry about sleep
  8. Sleep in the day
  9. Feeling tired
  10. Headache etc.

What are the causes of insomnia-

  • There can be many possible reasons of sleeplessness.
  • The cause of your insomnia depends on your bedtime and your sleeping experience.
The causes of insomnia are as follows  -

Causes of acute insomnia - 

What are the Causes of acute insomnia?
  • Stress  - Stress is the most common cause of insomnia, which can be caused due to many reasons such as - work pressure, family problem, marital imbalance, dissatisfaction with your work, illness of your loved one or death trauma, Losing something you love, not being able to express love to someone special, family pressure, fear of something etc.
  • Frequent changes in bedtime  - If you frequently change your bedtime or if your working hours changes, sometimes at night or sometimes during the day, you may have to face insomnia.
  • If you eat too much food before bedtime and lie down immediately after eating, then it causes a lot of acidity and slowly it becomes the cause of insomnia.
  • Apart from this, there is another most important reason, which is very common nowadays, that if you use television or mobile for a long time before sleeping, then it can be fatal for you and it starts as Insomnia.
  • Another common cause of insomnia is that if you use too much tea or coffee, especially before bedtime, then you may have to face this problem.
  • If you have a habit of consuming too many beverages before bedtime, due to which you have to take frequent urination then you may have insomnia.
  • Excess consumption of alcohol can also be the cause of this problem.

Causes of chronic insomnia - What are the causes of chronic insomnia?

What causes long term insomnia?
If the problem of primary insomnia persists for a long time, then it also takes the form of secondary insomnia.
Apart from this, other health problems and some medicines can cause chronic insomnia. like -
  • Mental illness can cause insomnia.
  • Apart from this, asthma, blood pressure (high and low), heart diseases, acidity, diabetes, obstructive sleep apneoe, restless leg syndrome etc.
  • This problem can also be caused due to the use of many medicines, such as medicines used in blood pressure, mental disorders, asthma etc.
  • Women may complain of insomnia during pre and post menopause.

What are the causes of sleeplessness in infants or children?

  • Like adults, children also have problems of sleeplessness, which start especially after 6 months. This can be due to some diseases, stomach ache, gas, digestive problem or hunger.
  • This problem can occur even when teeth start coming out in children.

What is the treatment of insomnia (insomnia)? - Insomnia treatment

sleep apnoe, no sleep
Different causes of good and bad sleep flat icons on light background retro cartoon

How can I overcome the problem of sleeplessness?
6 tips to get rid of insomnia-
  1. Insomnia treatment depends on its causes.
  2. Solution to some types of insomnia is not possible until the underlying causes are not treated or removed.
  3. With the consultation of a doctor, treat those diseases due to which the difficulty of falling asleep has started.
  4. Discontinue the medicines that have developed or causing insomnia after consulting with your doctor.
  5. Treatment with medicines like -  sleeping pills  , antidepressants etc.(Note : - Do not use these medicines without consulting a doctor)
  6. Cognitive behavioral therapy -Cognitive behavioral therapy is a type of psychotherapy treatment which helps to understand the thoughts and feelings to understand the behavior of patients |
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Home Remedies for Insomnia - 17 Home remedies for insomnia

how to cure insomnia, factors effecting sleep
Insomnia treatment
  • Change your lifestyle.
  • Try to quit alcohol and smoking, do not use them at all before sleeping.
  • Do not keep yourself alone, spend time with family or friends, this will help to relieve your stress.
  • Share your thoughts with someone you trust, sharing your thoughts makes your mind light and good.
  • Minimize the use of tea and coffee, but do not use at all before sleeping.
  • If there is a TV or home theater in the bedroom, then install it elsewhere. Do not use them in the bedroom or while sleeping.
  • Do not use mobiles or anything after lying on the bed.
  • Eat dinner very lightly and eat it at least 2 hours before you lie down.
  • Reduce the use of beverages before bed.
  • Taking bath with lukewarm water before going to sleep will help you.
  • Keep bedroom atmosphere cool.
  • Make a bedtime routine and always try to sleep at the same time and complete at least 6-8 hours of sleep.
  • Avoid sleeping more than half an hour in day or don't sleep at all.
  • Massaging the oil in the head before bed can help you sleep well.
  • Use a glass of warm milk before bedtime.
  • Exercise or do yoga for at least 30 minutes daily.
  • Use mostly fresh green leafy vegetables in food.

Unani medicines for insomnia treatment - 

  • Dose of medicine - eat one to two teaspoons with half glass of milk or water before going to bed. It also treats stress and stomach problems along with insomnia.
  • Dose of medicine - eating two teaspoons with half glass of milk or water will solve the problem of sleeplessness.
  • This oil is very beneficial in chronic insomnia, massaging the head with this oil before going to bed gives you very good sleep.

Ayurvedic medicines for Insomnia-

Ashwagandha and Brahmi-
  • Dose of medicine - put one spoon of Brahmi and one spoon of Ashwagandha in two glasses of water and boil it so that the water remains one glass.
  • It is possible to solve the problem of sleeplessness by using it before sleeping.
  • Dose medicine  - add one teaspoon of mulethi powder to a glass of cold milk and mix well and use before bedtime.

Homeopathic medicine for Insomnia-

Vita C15 (Sedative)
  • Dose of medicine - Twice a day with a little water can relieve insomnia and stress.
Pacifora Q
  • Dose of medicine - 20 drops thrice a day with some water.

Bottom line-

Nowadays, in the busy life there will be hardly any person who is not suffering from insomnia. The simplest remedy for this is to not let yourself feel lonely, spend time with friends and family members, involve everyone in small joys and indulge yourself in the happiness of others. Be happy and keep others happy too.
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